Have you ever felt cautioned to take a path yet drawn to a dream? Many of us have predetermined journeys set by everyone else other than ourselves. It is my firm belief that we have the power to create our destiny, but we must have the audacity to do so.
My journey as a creative began when I decided to put clay back into my hands in 2018, after several years away from the studio. I was a low-key art kid in college. I was not confident in my work, and I did not self-identify as an artist. I felt that I was not good enough to hold that title.
After a few years of teaching elementary school, I felt something was missing. My creative muscles had atrophied, and I felt unfulfilled. After this realization, I started to work with clay again, slowly building myself up.
I started with an apartment art show, where I put up all my art pieces and invited all my friends over to see my work. Then I co-created and hosted an event called "The Funktion". This event was a turning point; I made wearable art and jewelry. We executed a runway fashion show and art exhibition. This event forever changed how I saw myself. The title of “artist” finally stuck.
The journey has not slowed one bit from apartment art show to the Sio Ceramics Pottery Studio. I created a brand that aims to build community, foster creativity, and promote the willingness to take bold risks.
Sio Ceramics is centered in teaching ceramics, offering workshops and private pottery events that bring people together to create, learn, and connect through the transformative power of clay. My mission is to empower others to explore their creativity while celebrating the joy and fulfillment that comes from working with their hands.